My first summer book guide for toddlers! Every couple of weeks we head to the library and get 20+ books! It’s so fun to discover new books or return to a family favorite. If either child really loves a book, I add it to a list on my phone and order it for one of their holiday baskets. It’s also a nice way of ensuring your child will enjoy the book before investing in it.
I want to share our favorites from each library visit starting today! So here is the first summer book guide for toddlers!

The Button Book

The Button Book by Sally Nichols & Bethan Woollvin was a favorite for my 4-year-old AND my 1-year-old, and truthfully I really enjoyed it too! The reader is able to “press” a button on each page and act out the button’s prompt—-from hugs to singing—that keeps you wanting more. This book is lots of fun and will leave your kids smiling and wanting to read it again and again! It’s not long either, so reading it again and again won’t get annoying too fast haha.

Tangled by Anne Miranda was one that my 4-year-old son really enjoyed. When a shape gets stuck in a jungle gym, other shapes try to rescue her.
I liked that it exposes the reader to different shapes and even more advanced shapes like the cone, and some I didn’t remember haha! I also liked the approach to problem solving that the author took—helping a friend and working as a team. It was also nice to see how the main character/shape handled a set-back. So while it may superficially seem like just a shape book, it actually goes deeper!
Mop Rides the Waves of Life

Mop Rides the Waves of Life by Jaimal Yogis. This was an all around favorite for everyone in our family! My one-year-old especially loved it!
Mop learns the importance of not quickly reacting with our strong emotions when undesirable situations come up. I especially loved the metaphor of emotions being like waves. It’s up to us to choose to ride the wave or duck dive. Mop is able to learn coping strategies and it shows him applying them. I find myself referencing this book to my kids and myself too.
Since we live on Kauai, I love all ocean themed books so this was a big hit for me and the artwork was really cute too. Might need to add this one to our home library!!
The Last Peach

The Last Peach by Gus Gordon is such a fun read! It follows 2 bug friends that find the last peach of the season. The friends go back and forth between wanting to enjoy the peach and preserving the peach. My kids enjoy the comical back and forth between the bugs and especially love the fun twist at the end of the book! 😉
The Favorite Book

The Favorite Book by Bethanie Deeney Murguia is such a cute yet deep book. Written in a fun poem format it captured both my 4 and 2 year old kids!
This book helps a kid learn and reflect on how things become our favorites. And I also really liked how it teaches that every one can have different favorites (and not one is better than the other!).
The illustrations in this book are so fun and cute too making it a book that everyone can enjoy!
Reading is Powerful!

Reading is so powerful!! I want my kids to love reading and learning and I know planting these seeds when they are young is worth it!
I hope your liked my first summer book guide for toddlers…and that at least one was new for you! What are some of the books your toddler loves? Please share as I’m always looking for fun new books. Thanks for your continual love and support! It means so much! So grateful for you!
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