Before kids, I would wake up in the morning and have a detailed, multi-step 45 minute to an hour morning routine to kickstart my day. I’d leisurely wake up, wash my face, sip my coffee and listen to an audiobook while I slowly put makeup on! Can’t believe I ever took that for granted!
But now as a mom of two kids who wake up pretty early, I’m lucky to get even 15 minutes to start my day! I quickly realized that I need a somewhat slower start to my day to feel ready to tackle it With a positive attitude! I’m honestly a better mom if I get a few minutes to breathe and have some me time before starting to parent!
I thought I’d share 5 habits that I’ve added to my daily morning routine that help me get energized and ready to take on the day!
1. Stretch/Move your body!
I love to start my morning off with a little stretching!! It helps lubricate my joints, wake me up, and relieve any tension or aches from the night before. This is super important for mamas, especially when you spend half the night nursing! My neck and shoulders always benefit from a good stretch!
I recently started doing the legs on the wall pose. You just lay down on you back and place your feet onto the wall! I try to do anywhere de 5-20 minutes depending on how much I have time! There are so many benefits though! It increases circulation, aids in drainage, promotes relaxation, relaxes the pelvic floor and stretches the hamstrings! It also aids in digestion! Some women say that it helps them look younger because of increased circulation! Overall, I think it has helped with my lower back pain so it’s something I really try to do everyday!

If you have more time, I highly recommend doing a 15-30 Minute workout! I really love getting those endorphins flowing and have been doing Popsugar workouts regularly! They have everything from yoga to pilates to HIIT and dance! You can really mix it up!
2. Make your bed
I know this is a simple one, but I never used to make my bed! I figured I nurse all the time in it so what’s the point! But I started doing it and have really noticed that it helps me feel more productive and calm. It starts the day off on the right foot and you have a little more of a calming space!
I think even though it’s a pretty simple task, it makes me feel as if I accomplished something and am in control. Having kids, there is a lot of chaos and adding in this simple routine to my day keeps me a little more centered and calm.
3. Journal // Write down 3 things you are grateful for, 3 affirmations and your top 3 to do’s

This has been a game changer for me! I have been writing in my five minute journal for years now and it’s brought me so much joy. Having an attitude of gratitude can really change your life so this is one thing I must do every day!
If you don’t have a five- minute journal, you can just get a notebook and write down three things you are grateful for, three affirmations and three things for your to do list! In the past, I would write down like twenty to do’s and then get so discouraged that nothing got done. Now I have learned to simplify them and just pick my top three. In doing so, I feel a sense of accomplishment and can focus my attention on those important tasks at hand!
I definitely encourage you to try and do the same! Let me know if it improves your day!
4. Hydrate!
I definitely encourage you to try and do the same! Let me know if it improves your day!
Before bed, I always fill up a 32oz water bottle and keep it next to my bed so I can start my morning off right! I drink the entire water bottle before even getting out of bed! Not only does this kickstart your digestion, but it really helps improve your complexion and rehydrate the body!
Afterwards, I will usually either drink some warm lemon water, chlorophyll water or a green juice! This really helps ensure I am hydrating my body before I drink my cup of coffee!

5. Put on makeup/do hair!
Game changer! Doing my hair and makeup in the morning has really helped my overall attitude and feeling. During that early postpartum phase, I definitely had those moments where I was feeling so bleh and discouraged because I wasn’t getting dressed or putting on makeup. I would walk past the mirror and few frumpy!
I’m not saying you need to wear makeup to feel beautiful but it definitely helps make you feel more alive, especially when you are a sleep deprived zombie!

I have mastered a quick 5-10 minute makeup routine that helps me feel put together and ready to conquer the day! Some under eye concealer, mascara, eyebrow pencil, and a little bronzer! I’ll have to share my routine one day soon!
And make sure you change out of your pajamas! Invest in some good loungewear or some casual tees and jeans that you can wear while still chasing kids! Getting dressed really makes a world of a difference in how you feel!
A Friendly Reminder
Remember that even just 10 minutes of a morning routine is something! It can definitely help you feel more put together, motivated and accomplished! I hope my five simple habits for your morning routine can help kickstart your day!
What’s one habit you always include in your morning routine?!
Thanks for following along! We are so grateful for your constant support! And don’t forget to check out Melissa’s hack for amazing lashes!
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