Being a mom to a boy and girl, one of my deepest desires is to teach self-love and confidence in kids. Being confident in expressing their thoughts regardless of what people will think. And when they see their brown skin, wider noses, and all things that make them uniquely them to not ever question their worth.

Self-love and confidence does not come naturally or easily to me. I’ve actually struggled with it a lot growing up! In junior high I remember crying to my mom because I was part of the IBTC and thought that meant I wasn’t good enough (now after going through nursing 2 kids, I long for my A cup size!). Attending a predominantly white private school also left me feeling insecure. Fast forward to college when I got my first “C” on a quiz, my self-love took a major blow. I’m slowly recovering for a life of attaching my worth to what I accomplish, how I look, and blind compliance to rules, to what really matters–my unique thoughts/contributions, my heart and finding confidence in flaws and failures.
Knowing how low self-confidence and self-worth have long term effects, I am proactive of using every chance I get to empower my kids and fill them with so much confidence and self-love. I wanted to share some of the book that I love to read to my kids to plant those seeds and teach self-love and confidence from an early age. How different do you think our world would be if people truly loved themselves?

Book List
I’m continually discovering new books on this topic, so this book list contains some of our current and all-time favorites.

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1. I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont. // This book teaches kids to like themselves just the way they are—fast, slow, smelly breathe, messy hair. However you look or feel is deserving of love. I’ve been reading this book to my son his entire life and it’s still one of our favorites!

2. Go Get `Em Tiger by Sabrina Moyle. // This book is filled with enthusiasm and amazing illustrations following a tiger as he reaches various milestones. Since my kid’s are animal lovers, this seems like a great one to add to our home library.

3. I Believe I Can by Grace Byers. // One thing I want my kids to wholeheartedly believe is that they can do anything which is why I love this book! The theme of self-confidence is on every page.

4. A Boy Like You & A Girl Like You by Frank Murphy. // I love reading this empowering book to my son and daughter. It reminds them how unique and special they are and their important role in the world.

5. Dear Boy & Dear Girl by Paris Rosenthal + Jason Rosenthal // These books were immediately favorites after reading them. The way they celebrate innate differences and make kids feel big while developing emotional intelligence.

6. Be You by Peter H. Reynold. // What an empowering book! It tell kids that they can just they way they are and it’s something to be celebrated! I love the message that being themselves is more than enough!

7. You Matter by Christian Robinson. // Not only is the artwork really great in this book, the message is amazing. It shares that regardless of circumstances, looks, feelings, size, etc. everybody truly matters. I read this book over and over to my kids.

8. Remarkably You by Pat Zietlow Miller. // This book is a reminder that the things that make you you, also give you a remarkable uniqueness that has never existed before. A beautiful message for kids and adults.

Empower Greatness
I never want my kids to question their worth. I want to empower greatness in them so they believe they are worth unconditional love, respect, kindness and appreciation. It’s never too early to teach our kids self-love and confidence.
If you’re looking for additional books for your kids, we also made a post sharing 20 books on gratitude and thankfulness. Check out the post, here.
Thanks so much for reading! Happy week! —Melissa
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