Let’s talk about ‘pits baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the clean deodorants yoouuuuuuu need. (please tell me you sang that or at least rapped it..gotta love some old school salt-n-pepa)!!
No but seriously! I think one of the most asked questions I get when people find out I am vegan and pretty much only use super clean/non-toxic products is “what kind of deodorant do you use and does it actually work?” And the answer is that I have found two (yes! two) clean deodorants that actually work for me and don’t leave me stinking at the end of the day. As a busy momma of two and with my hormones still regulating after giving birth, a good clean deodorant is a MUST-HAVE!!
Before I introduce you to my two favorite products though, I think it is important to understand that with clean deodorant you will still sweat! A lot of people are used to regular deodorant being an anti-perspirant and a deodorizer. But we need to get sweat out of our body, especially because it cleans out our pores, gets rid of toxins and helps our circulation!
Also, did you know that there is actually two types of sweat? There is activity sweat, like when you exercise hard or play a game of volleyball, and there is stress sweat, when you are feeling triggered by an event or an emotion and you sweat. So if you are super nervous about speaking in front of people, that is stress sweat, and that actually tends to be stinkier than regular activity sweat. Sweat is typically odorless, until it mixes with your armpit bacteria! The combination is typically what produces odor!
So in order to get rid of all of the built-up chemicals, toxins and heavy metals (especially aluminum!) from using regular chemical deodorants, it’s important to give your little underarms some tender loving care! You can do this with only a few simple ingredients and only 5-20 minutes of your time!
Here is what you will need and why:
- Bentonite Clay ( I use this one from Amazon..super affordable and a little goes a long way.)
- Apple Cider Vinegar (make sure you use the raw, unfiltered with the mother kind..I always have Braggs or Trader Joes ACV on hand)
Mix 1 Tablespoon of Bentonite Clay and 1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Be sure to mix it together using a non-metal spoon and in a non-metal bowl! Once mixed, it will create a little bit of a chemical reaction and fizz. My daughter loves this part! The paste is also going to be pretty thick, so apply it liberally. And it does make a lot so you can store in the refrigerator if needed (it can last 3-4 days in fridge).
I like to first shower and clean my armpits. Then I make sure they are dry so that the paste will stick. Then just apply a small amount to your underarms, and leave on for 10-20 minutes. I have pretty sensitive underarms so I typically only do 10-15 minutes. Be sure to keep your arms up so it can dry! This is the perfect opportunity to lay back, relax and listen to a podcast! Once it’s dry, just use a towel to wipe off the paste and you are good to go!
Some people recommend to do it daily until you feel as if you don’t stink anymore. However, I have been using clean deodorant for over 7 years so I don’t think I have as much toxins/chemicals to get rid of, and prefer to do it every 2-3 months!
REMEMBER: It’s not uncommon to experience the following:
- Stronger body odor than normal during this detox phase. You are literally cleaning out your system from all of the harsh chemicals/toxins and heavy metals found in traditional deodorants. Depending how long you have used those products, the detox may vary!
- You might also sweat more during the detox phase. This is good and it is actually encouraged to do more physical activity to help the sweat push out all of the ickies!
- You may also feel like you need to reapply your deodorant more often during the day. Also completely normal! It’s just a short phase!
And that’s it! If it is your first time ever, try doing it a couple of times a week! Stick with it! It will literally get easier and less stinky every time you do it!
Doing this detox mask will definitely help with the transition to a natural and clean deodorant!

1. Primally Pure Charcoal Deodorant (retails for $22)
This deodorant comes in so many different scents and I’ve tried them all, but the Charcoal scent is my current favorite. It’s also hubby approved! I typically stay away from deodorants that have baking soda because it really irritates my skin, but Primally Pure contains a small amount and it doesn’t bother me at all. It also contains kaolin clay (a powerful detoxifier) and non-nano zinc oxide, which helps soothe irritation.
The activated charcoal also further helps detoxify your body, while deodorizing and disinfecting. So it’s a win-win!
The only down-side for me is that it isn’t a completely vegan product (it includes grass-fed tallow (pretty much beef-fat). But it is one of the very few clean deodorants that actually works and doesn’t stain clothes! SO many clean deodorants do!
2. Mademoiselle Swell Natural Deodorant (Retails for $19)
I love this deodorant so much! I first heard of it through beauty blogger, Organic Bunny, and loved the ingredients so I immediately ordered it. It is baking soda free, contains no aluminums or parabens and is infused with magnesium, which helps minimize odor. It also smells so good. With jasmine, bergamont and neroli, the scent is fresh with a hint of floral! It’s also completely vegan, which makes it even more amazing.
I typically switch back and forth between these two deodorants just to mix it up and keep my armpits feeling fresh. Coupled with the underarm detox mask, I can confidently recommend these two products!!
Let me know if you try them or the detox mask and how it goes!
Also, be sure to read Melissa’s post about how she keeps her skin looking flawless!
With lots of love and gratitude,
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