There is always something to be grateful for…

We are huge believers that a grateful mindset can change your life! There really is always something to be grateful for!!
Kari introduced me to The 5 Minute Journal several years ago and I’ve been using it ever since! Something so small as listing daily what you’re grateful for truly impacts your outlook for that day. Give it a try and let us know if you notice the difference!!
Practice Gratitude
A habit that I try to cultivate is the practicing gratitude. When I’m not consistent with practicing gratitude I notice a difference! It’s easier for me to focus on the good when that is in the forefront of my mind. If you haven’t yet started a daily gratitude list, I highly recommend it. Part of our bedtime routine as a family is sharing the “best part of the day” and I love hearing my 4-year-old son share his. It may seem simple, because it is!! And, one is never too young or too old to be grateful!
Free Graphic
We created this fun free graphic as a reminder that everyday, no matter what, there is something to be grateful for—so pin it, share it and live it 🙂
Xoxo, Melissa
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